Lawn Tips for June

Lawn Tips for June

These lawn tips for June will help you to keep your lawn in great shape for the summer ahead. As the months warm up and you spend more time outside in the garden, you might find the lawn being used much more. Perhaps BBQs with family and friends, children playing ball games and dogs running around might make for a messy lawn, but there are ways and means to keep it looking great with these tips. 

1. Keep on top of mowing

With warmer weather and heading into summer, you will see your lawn growing really fast during June. If you’d like a nice neat lawn, keep on top of it with weekly mowing. Don’t forget to leave some areas for the grass to grow. You never know what will pop up, and your garden wildlife will be thankful.

2. Clean your tools

Before you get started, make sure your mower blades are sharp and clean. Check over any tools you will use to make sure they are in good condition and ensure any electrical cables are intact and safe. 

3. Feed your lawn 

Using an organic lawn fertilizer to provide all of the nutrients needed to keep it growing lush and green is important now. Some will be applied just during spring and then autumn, but others, especially liquid feed, can be used monthly as you water. 

4. Watering

With warmer and dryer weather, the lawn will need to be watered. Rainwater is, of course, best and early morning or early evening is much better than during the day. Daytime watering, especially in the heat, means it will evaporate much quicker. Try to water at the base of your plants so the water can be absorbed directly into the roots rather than sitting on the foliage. 

5. Aeration 

Use a rolling aerator or wear some aerator sandals to allow your lawn to breathe. Generally, the whole lawn will benefit but focus on the areas most used. You can also sprinkle some grass seed and fertilizer to any badly worn down areas after you have aerated, and then don’t forget to water afterwards.

6. Pests and diseases 

Keep a check on your lawn as much as you possibly can so you can spot any pests and diseases that might occur. By spotting issues early on means, you can take action to halt their spread when possible. Moulds, rust, fairy rings, plus many others, can be seen if the weather conditions are right for them to thrive. If you spot any changes, find out what they are and the treatment needed to repair your lawn immediately. 

Don’t forget to take a walk barefoot on your lawn too! 

We have a range of lawn care products in store, come in and visit us. 

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