Top Plants for Children to Grow

Top Plants for Children to Grow

These top plants for children to grow will get them interested in gardening and growing their own food in no time. It is so important to teach children the importance of plants and where their food comes from, so getting started at home is ideal. Even a sunny windowsill will do! Here are some plants that will get kids’ interest in gardening stirred. 

Nasturtiums Are On Our List of Top Plants for Children to Grow 

One of the easiest to sow and grow plus they are entirely edible! The quirky-shaped foliage, stunningly bright-coloured flowers not only look great in the garden or a hanging basket but can also be added to salads or just munched for fun in the garden! It's simple:

  • sow the seeds in spring;
  • harden them off if you’ve sown indoors;
  • then plant out.

Alternatively, direct sow when the soil warms up. 

One of Our Top Plants for Children to Grow Is the Tomato

Tumbling tomatoes especially are great for children to grow. They can be grown in a hanging basket and the small tomatoes can be used as snacks. Watch the foliage tumble over the sides of the basket and the many little cherry tomatoes grow. You can even find varieties in yellow/orange as well for something surprising. 

Another One of Our Top Plants for Children to Grow

Cut and come again lettuce is super simple to sow and grow.

  1. Sow thinly in a well-drained compost and lightly cover over.
  2. Keep the soil moist and watch those leaves grow!
  3. Just cut the leaves when you want to eat them and watch them grow more leaves like magic.

Great fun for kids and adults! 

Top Plants for Children to Grow Indoors 

Nothing beats the carnivorous plants for kids indoors. The fun and excitement of watching a Venus flytrap in motion is a great way for children to watch plants in motion. Another great indoor plant is the aloe vera because the gel inside each leaf is both edible and jelly-like, used to soothe sore or sunburnt skin. 

Sunflowers Are Top Plants for Children to Grow 

Sunflowers have to be the most fun to grow. Either sow in pots under cover or direct sow when the weather warms up. Having a fun sunflower competition is a great way for children to learn to nurture and look after the plant to see how tall it will grow. Then collect the seeds to sow again the following year. 

There are many plants for children to enjoy growing so don’t feel restricted by space, age, or experience, just have a go at growing with children and have really great fun with it.

Starting growing from seed is really easy and we have plenty in store for you to choose from. 

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