News - Page 3

Design a Bird-Friendly Garden

You can design a bird-friendly garden with just a few additions or changes to any size space. Gardening with wildlife in mind is a beautiful way to bring even more life to your garden, sharing it with birds, butterflies, bats, insects, and so much more. Research has even shown that the more biodiverse your garden is, the higher your well-being score as well. So, encouraging more birds in your garden is beneficial for you, your garden birds, and the...

Exploring the power of plants for health

Plants offer a multitude of benefits and are cultivated for different reasons. For instance, some species are grown as food while others serve as plants for health.

The delights of gardening in winter

Discover the wonders of gardening in winter, a season of tranquillity and growth amidst frost-kissed landscapes. Winter, often associated with dormancy and barrenness, may seem like an unlikely time for gardening. However, beneath the icy surface lies a world of possibilities waiting to be explored. Embracing the challenges and unique conditions of the season, winter gardening offers a serene and rewarding experience for enthusiasts.

From nurturing cold...

Exploring the power of plants for health

Plants offer a multitude of benefits and are cultivated for different reasons. For instance, some species are grown as food while others serve as plants for health. If you are looking for options that promote health and wellness, this article is a must-read. Plants have been at the centre of health and wellness for many years. From their ability to enhance indoor air quality to their medicinal properties, plants have one of the most important roles in ensuring...

Beginners’ guide to interior design with orchids

Whether as indoor plants or cut flowers, orchids are a great asset for any interior design project. But what are some of the best options for interior design with orchids? With their captivating beauty and exotic allure, orchids have become increasingly popular among modern gardeners and interior design enthusiasts. They come in a wide range of shapes and colours, which enhances their versatility and makes them ideal for various interior design themes.

Repotting Houseplants: How to Always Get It Right

Repotting houseplants is essential for healthy growth and thriving indoor greenery. Repotting is a fundamental aspect of caring for houseplants, ensuring their well-being and fostering lush growth. As plants mature, they outgrow their existing containers, becoming root bound, which hampers their ability to access essential nutrients and moisture. Repotting not only provides plants with fresh soil but also creates ample space for roots to expand, promoting healthier...

Pruning Houseplants: Everything You Need to Know

Pruning houseplants boosts growth and beauty. Learn the art of precise trimming for flourishing indoor greenery.

Indoor plants bring vitality and tranquility to our living spaces, creating a soothing connection with nature. To maintain their health and aesthetics, regular care is essential, and one crucial aspect is pruning. It might seem intimidating, but pruning is an artful practice that involves selectively trimming leaves, stems, and branches to promote...

Green plans for 2024

Here are some inspiring ideas to turn your garden into a green paradise in the coming year.

How to decoratie a festive New Year's eve table

Here are some ideas to transform your table into a dazzling centrepiece for the transition to the new year.

Add greenery to the Christmas table

Here are some inspiring ideas for green decor that will transform your Christmas table into a visual delight.

How to keep your houseplants flourish in winter

Here are comprehensive tips to nurture your houseplants during the chilly winter months.

How to Look After a real Christmas tree

Read on for the ultimate tips to keep your Christmas tree looking fabulous and the festive spirit alive.

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